Saturday, April 29, 2006


Is it better to be poor than to be rich ?

A thought that has changed the very perception of what does it mean to be a rich person and what does it take to be poor. Its very easy to find an answer to a difficult question but its very difficult to find a question to an easy answer. And it is this thought that forced me venture into finding the bizarre question to an equally beautiful answer “I am happy”.

Have you ever imagined what happiness is? Is happiness only about finding a reason to be happy or more then that. Is happiness only about looking for an excuse to your daily problems. Is happiness only about being retrospective in order to find just a few droplets of happiness in the turbulent future that is your past now. It is a thought that will rattle the very foundation on which we define happiness and try to differentiate between a rich and a poor human being. A human who thinks that being happy is being rich.

What I am trying to find about is not happiness, I am trying to find the meaning of what real happiness is and in my own words I call it ‘Intense happiness’. Intense because the emotion attached with happiness is that of pain, suffering, trouble and anguish, like that of a sot looking for a droplet of wing in his carafe and when he finds it he reaches the zenith of ecstasy, the hallucination of wilderness with happiness.

Have you ever imagined how does it feel like under the sun on a hot summer afternoon in an African or an Asian country, when the sun is at its full exaltation. How does it feel when a person walking down the road under that earth ravaging heat trying to find a single slap of cold breeze, runs in mere desperation after a car fitted with an air conditioner. It is not the money that this person is expecting the rich man to pay him, which he is sure about, that he wont be the lucky one, but it is the cold window pane of the motor vehicle that he wants to touch and feel; not his whole body but only the tip of his hands, and by doing so he feels as if he has found the meaning of life again, the meaning of why he was born to breath. One can feel the energy of life oozing out of his soul and in turn helping the rich man to feel the guilt that he was never alive. But for that poor man it is happiness, its all that this person is looking for and he feels like as if he is in heaven. By a mere touch of the pane this person would be so happy is not imaginable but for this person happiness cost nothing, its just a touch away. Happiness has been left for some people to pay for and for others like the poor man its comes free of cost.

This poor man is not only happy but he can also feel the intensity of happiness and that is what ‘intense happiness’ is all about. It is not about suffering, it is about finding happiness in that anguish. It is about finding pleasure in drinking a cup of hot cheap coffee on a road side temporary build tea stall, on a hot summer afternoon and still derive pleasure out of it. It may sound a bit bizarre now but trust your senses ‘intense happiness’ is what ever one of us is either looking for and has already found it once in his life time.

Intense happiness means happiness that cuts through your senses and reaches your soul without disturbing your conscious, but the truth is, that, intense happiness is even worse than this, it is as if somehow we have cut our whole body with a razor sharp edge and we are still loving it.
A wealthy man can be made happy only if he is made more wealthy and feels sorry about himself if he looses some of it. On the contrary if a poor man is made wealthy this poor human catalogue reaches the glory of happiness and if this poor human is turned into a destitute he derives Intense happiness out of it.

The question here is not being rich or poor, the discussion is about being told the meaning of being happy; of being poor. It is the poor not the rich who experiences happiness in its very raw form. It is contrary to what people think but its true that its better to be poor then to be rich in order to find what real raw happiness is all about. Its about finding the question to the answer “am I happy”. Its about putting our heart and soul into action and asking ourselves this question. Is it better to be poor than to be rich ?

I think that for being happy it doesn't matter weather you are poor or rich, what matter is how would you attach yourself with your wealth. If you are a rich person and you share your wealth with other you will definately be happy. Only those poor men are happy who use the facilities available but doesn't attach themselves with that facility.
I think, its not all about being rich and poor ( in wealth) . Any person rich or poor can achieve happiness by just being contented.
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